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Help us shape the future of an Ailsa Craig Centre in Girvan – We need your input!

Last year Go Girvan asked the community for their views on an Ailsa Craig Centre in Girvan and the overwhelming response was ‘YES’!

We took all of your feedback on board and decided to investigate how we could turn the idea into reality. Our next step was to commission a feasibility study funded by the Ayrshire Rural and Islands Ambition (ARIA) Funds.
Following several meetings and discussions, it has become increasingly obvious that a more all-encompassing project providing space for community arts, folk festivals, farmers’ markets, school proms, lectures and so on would benefit the community and bring in both visitors and revenue.
We now need your input on the future of the project!
We have created a document that details the background of the Ailsa Craig Centre project with proposed features, locations and design considerations. This is a community-led project and we value your input and support to help us plan the way forward.
You can find our Ailsa Craig Centre Report here
Please fill in your feedback here
A paper copy of the report and questionnaire is available inside the Tourist Information Point and we are currently working on putting copies in other locations around the town. We will update this blog post once those locations are confirmed.
We are also holding public drop-in sessions at the Tourist Information Point to allow members of the public to chat with Go Girvan trustees in person. Trustees will be providing a short presentation about the project at the Tourist Information Point on the following dates –
Wednesday 26th July – 7pm – 8.30pm
Thursday 17th August – 4pm – 5.30pm
All members of the public are welcome to come along and find out more or ask any questions.
This is YOUR opportunity to help shape the future of an Ailsa Craig Centre in Girvan and we look forward to hearing from you.
‘Ailsa Craig has great potential to generate interest in terms of its geological features, beauty, wildlife and its association with curling. Given its proximity to Girvan, we seek to build the Ailsa Craig Centre to attract regional, national and international visitors and act as a multi-purpose centre to serve the local community.’
– Go Girvan Trustees