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Stumpy Jail, sometimes known as Stumpy Tower, is a landmark in Girvan town centre. It stands at the crossroads of the main roads in and out of the town and is one of Girvan’s most notable historic buildings. However, you might not know that you can actually take a tour inside the former prison which was completed in 1827.

The steeple originally joined the Town Hall which was demolished in 1908 to be replaced by The McMaster Hall, completed in 1911. Unfortunately, The McMaster Hall was destroyed by a fire which also damaged the roof of Stumpy.

The roof was replaced but the hall was demolished, leaving Stumpy standing as a solitary beacon from Girvan’s past. In 20oo, Stumpy was opened up to the public and in 2023 it underwent a revamp, with new exhibitions and information boards added.

Cared for by Girvan & District Attractions and run by volunteers, visitors are welcome to climb the spiral stone stairs to view the former jail cells and discover more about the history of the building and some of the prisoners who might have been housed there.

Stumpy Jail is open over the summer on Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays between 11am and 2.30pm. However, as the attraction is run by volunteers, these opening hours are subject to change so please check the Girvan & District Attractions Facebook page for updates.

It is free to visit but donations to help with the running and upkeep of the museum are appreciated.